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Old Mining Site #4

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Climbing Sections:

About Old Mining Site #4:

There is a climb immediately in front of the parking lot by a small white birch tree. It is top ropped very easy climb. If you walk along side the site you will see a nice trail follow it, you will notice that there is rock on your left there is a open area on your left instead of walking through the bushes (like i've done before). There are about 5 more top ropped climbs there and ratings vary.
Nearest town or city: Cobalt
Directions: Drive North on HWY 11 until you see the HWY 11B Turn off it's just after the North Coblat Truck Stop. Head north on HWY 11B for about 6 KM's your almost in Cobalt. You should see a road up ahead called Coleman Road with a big sign about some Mining company. Follow that road for a little way until you get to Mining Site #4 make a right down the little road and there you are.
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