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Pearl Beach

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Climbing Sections:

About Pearl Beach:

All trad. Two areas, the Sunny Side, easy fun Cracks, dihedrals and slabs (5.4-5.10). The Dark Side... Overhanding Cracks, one 5.8+ and mostly 5.10+ to 5.11 cracks
Nearest town or city: Larder LAke
Directions: From Larder Lake, Head East towards ToureneLake, turn south just before the bend. The parking is in the gravel pit about 3km atop a hill. The trail heads east, you come out above the Darkside cliff.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: The area is on crown land, the Dark Side is the first cliff you encounter. Sunny side borders some residents camps, so keep a low profile, although to the best of my knowledge it is owned by the city of Larder lake.
Camping: Yes
When to Climb: Autumn Summer
Quantity of Climbs: Weekend

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