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Mont King

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About Mont King:

Trad, Sport, Aid and boulders. From easy to really tough.
Nearest town or city: Val David
Directions: Take route 15 North up to the Val David Exit. Take route 117 North for couple of km. Turn right on Rue de L'Église. Then, turn right on rue de la Sapinière and follow the indication for the Centre de Plein Air La Sapinière where you can park and have informations regarding the trail path and the different climbing area.
Latitude, Longitude: 46.02603, -74.17802
Access Issues: A daily fee is required to climb, hike, bike etc in the park, FQME members benefit from a substantial rebate as well as group outings.
Parc Regional Val-David Val-Morin

When to Climb: Autumn Spring Summer Winter
Quantity of Climbs: Week

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