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Hospital Boulders

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Climbing Sections:

About Hospital Boulders:


Doesn't exist anymore

The cliff is 1/2 km ranging form 2m to 6m in height. There are all types of bouldering roofs, arêtes, slabs and cracks. There are not to many hard problems yet most are in it V0 range. Be careful of broken glass and allot of garbage (not left by climbers) it seems like local kids use this place to get smashed.

Nearest town or city: Gatineau
Directions: Take highway 50 in Hull head east.
Take the exit for Boulevard La Verendrye and head east along Boulevard La Verendrye.
Turn left on Boulevard De L'hopital.
Park at a retaining wall (it looks like steps that go no where) walk along the wall till you get to a fence go though the gap in the fence and you are there.
Latitude, Longitude: 45.49702, -75.68993
Access Issues: Closed
When to Climb: Autumn Summer
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