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Routes : North America : Dominican Republic : South : Canon de la Presa Aguacate

Canon de la Presa Aguacate

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About Canon de la Presa Aguacate:

It's -God's playground- a beautiful canyon past Mucha Agua of Cambita...NOTICE...this site was not found by accident, we looked for it! OK,as long as you got the ok to go... it's free, and makes a great camping trip and it's in the same beautiful canyon as about ten other great sites. Rock Wariors is close by too! And there's good ROCK COLLECTING all around!(just ask Scott)
Nearest town or city: Cambita, San Cristobal
Directions: To get there, go like you're going to San Cristobal but go past it to the Cambita exit, Follow the signs to "Presas Higuey/Aguacate" til you get to Cambita Garabito. from there take the dirt road that goes out of town toward the Presa Aguacate. That road will take you all the way to the dam. unless you have 4x4 you will want to park befor you drive into the sandy canon and walk, otherwise drive till you get to where you can't go any more (the lil' farm thing) and walk up the canyon.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Yes
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Lifetime

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Forum Discussions (1 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
No Replies I gots Gold jojo 0 Dec 19 2001, 2:39 PM