2 El Legado - 5.10b

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (3)
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12m Armaron Mario Perezortiz y Ruy Fabila. Abrio Mario.
Submitted by: borrego on 2001-07-26
Views: 759
Route ID: 2432
3 Ascents Recorded
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This was a fun route, a bit polished and thin on hand holds to start, but well protected and much less polished above the ledge. The overhang was fun, super holds right where you need them. This was my first 5.10+ lead and only my 2nd sport lead since I usually climb in a trad area. I didn't have a guidebook and thought this was a much easier grade climb or I might not have tried it, but I'm glad I did. It's short but fun.
Added: 2005-01-03
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Added: 2003-03-18
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Added: 2002-11-30