Principiantes - 5.10b

Route sequence (left to right): 13
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (10)
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8 Bolts
Balance route. Hard crux on the bolt before the anchor (long runout). kind of slippery.
Submitted by: jcr on 2004-05-23
Views: 713
Route ID: 29434
10 Ascents Recorded
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No comment
Added: 2006-06-30
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puro pedo el crux es una panza pero puedes escoger solpers o laterales,
Witnessed by: bravo
Added: 2006-02-10
Added: 2006-02-10
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Extremly hard rout for my level, I want to go back ther in a few months and leaded
Witnessed by: casco
Added: 2004-05-30
Added: 2004-05-30
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No comment
Added: 2004-01-11
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esta muy buena, pero algo pulida ya. Me cae que dejó de ser una 10a.
Added: 2004-01-10