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Routes : North America : Mexico : Nuevo León : Puente de Dios

Puente de Dios

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Climbing Sections:

About Puente de Dios:

Limestone arch
Nearest town or city: Galeana, NL
Directions: First get to Galeana. From Laredo (or Potrero) take the highway to Monterrey. On the outskirts of Monterrey take the loop road (Arco Vial or the Periferico) west to Saltillo (Hwy 40). Just before hitting Saltillo take Hwy 57 south towards Matehuala. After about two hours take the exit marked %u201CGaleana & Linares,%u201D which loops back over the highway and heads east through Tokio. After about 20 minutes turn left into Galeana. Alternatively, from Monterrey you can take the national down to Linares and turn right towards Iturbide and Galeana. After an hour of beautiful twisty road you arrive at the Galeana turnoff on your right. In either case, head north out of Galeana on the road to Rayones (there are some Puente de Dios signs). After about 15 or 20 minutes turn right up a hill on a cement ramp (going straight takes you to a small village). You will get to the Puente in about 3 minutes. Look for a large parking area on the left and a sign on a telephone pole because although the road drives over it, you cannot see the bridge from the road. If you go too far you will cross to the other side of the canyon and begin to see big cliffs on your right with a waterfall. If you get to a man-made bridge, you are about 500 meters too far.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: none
Camping: Free
When to Climb: Autumn Spring Summer Winter
Quantity of Climbs: Weekend

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