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Healy Area ICE

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Climbing Sections:

About Healy Area ICE:

The Healy area ice climbs offer a handful of short but quality routes worth the two and a half drive from Fairbanks. Anchorage climbers may need closer to four hours, but it is worth the drive if other areas are not in. All of the routes are shorter than one pitch, and only the falls on Dragonfly and Fox can be relied upon to consistently form up. Ice conditions vary from thin and wet in October to squeaky dry in mid-winter (-40F normal low in JAN/FEB). The fun is in March and April when the temperatures are more moderate, and the ice is fat, soft and fun. Beginners will find toproping easy, and intermediates can get their lead legs back on the routes here. The experts will also find several steep curtains and mixed routes to attempt.
Nearest town or city: Healy
Directions: The creeks of Dragonfly and Fox are located about 110 miles south of Fairbanks on the Parks Highway. The creeks are named alphabetically from Antler to Kingfisher from north to south, and the locations of Dragonfly and Fox Creeks will be referenced to the Mileposts. The main Nenana Canyon bridge is located at Mile 243.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Yes
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Year

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