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Service Boulder

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Climbing Sections:

About Service Boulder:

One of the easiest to reach bouldering areas in Anchorage, though it may be a little difficult to find at first. It has some problems ranging up to V9, though most are in the easier range. The rock is good, coarse granite and is nice for an after work trip in the summer. Watch out for the bugs and the bears!
Nearest town or city: Anchorage
Directions: Drive to the Hilltop cross-country ski area parking lot and walk to where the trail forks. Take the left fork of Hilltop trail and follow until you reach "Coaches Cut-off" (signs will tell you where it is). Take "Coaches Cut-off" (it will reconect to the other side of Hilltop trail) and at the end hang a left. When you come to a small clearing (to your left), the trail will bend to the right. Continue to where the trail straightens, and you will see a light pole. If you come to a large intersection of trails, you've gone too far. Just past the pole you will find a single track off to your right. It's a distinct trail that looks different from most of the other trails that branch off the main one. Follow this trail a short distance, and you will come across a very large boulder in the middle of nowhere.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: None
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Week

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Forum Discussions (1 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
No Replies Service Boulder winstonfb 0 May 03 2003, 6:52 AM