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Franklin Mountains

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Climbing Sections:

About Franklin Mountains:

Located in the far northeast corner of Alaska, the Franklin Mountains define the word "remote". This area is home to thousands of Dall sheep, wolves, grizzly bears, and over a million caribou. The best times to avoid the snow is June through September, but the mosquitoes get bad in July, and I MEAN BAD!!!
Nearest town or city: Kaktovik
Directions: Fairbanks based flyin services can get you to Kaktovik via Barrow or Deadhorse, and from Kaktovik, Alaska Flyers takes climbers into the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, landing on gravel riverbars. PLAN ON BEING SELF-SUFFICIENT! Combining climbs with a river trip down the Hulahula or Okpilak Rivers will save money, plus you get a true "summit-to-sea" experience.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Yes
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Month