Directions: |
Follow the Steese Highway out of Fairbanks up the Chatanika River to Faith Creek. 4 more miles bring you to Faith Creek Road (Mile 74). This road goes over a pass and then down to Faith Creek. Rough road and high water in the spring can make this stretch impassable. High clearance or mountain bikes recommended from here on. Continue up the west side, cross Deep Creek, then head left up Hope Creek. Park by Zephyr Creek and follow the four-wheeler trail up the east side of the creek. Where Zephyr Creek turns head north to a broad pass. A heading of 308 degrees on your compass will take you straight to the Main Wall. Or follow the four-wheeler trail up Hill 4100 west of the pass. Follow the cairns around the north side of the hill and head down into the Southeast Fork of American Creek, then back up a ridge and down again to American Creek. Cross the creek and head west through the meadows until you are above brush line and below the 300 Foot Wall. To reach the Main Wall traverse over toward the Northeast Fork of American Creek. |