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Mt. Sergeant Robinson

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Climbing Sections:

About Mt. Sergeant Robinson:

10,415 ft.This is an immense massif of unnamed peaks and summits that towers over the south side of the Glenn Highway between the Matanuska Glacier and Chickaloon. Largely unexplored, with several of the summits untouched. Rumor has it there is a 20 pitch ice route accessible from the Glacier Creek approach.
Nearest town or city: Chugach Mountains
Directions: Fly-in approach from Anchorage, or hike up the Matanuska Glacier and turn west on the Robinson Glacier. Can also be approached from Glacier or Gravel Creeks, but this entails some serious bushwhacking and wildlife avoidance (including mosquitoes), until you are above treeline.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Yes
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Lifetime