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Ravine Lake

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Climbing Sections:

About Ravine Lake:

Twenty or so routes extending up from a scree field above Ravine Lake along the Glenn Hwy.
Nearest town or city: Chickaloon, AK
Directions: Near mile marker 83 along the Glenn Hwy turn left (uphill) if you are coming from Anchorage on Bonnie Lakes Rd (There should be a sign). Drive up the hill about a mile until you reach the first lake. The road will bring you down along the leftmost (west) side of the lake where there are a couple pullouts. Find the trail which leads to the lake and take a left (about 10 feet in) on a small trail that leads to the crag. Tie your shoes on good and have your hands free to ski the scree.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: No
When to Climb: Summer
Quantity of Climbs: Week