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Mt. Saint Elias

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Climbing Sections:

About Mt. Saint Elias:

5,490m (18,008ft.)

One of the most beautiful mountains in the world, Mt. St. Elias is the crown jewel of the St. Elias Range. Amazingly perfect in it's pyramidal form, this is the shape a child creates when asked to draw a mountain. Rising to over 18,000 feet just ten miles from the Gulf of Alaska, this peak has some of the greatest vertical relief in the world. Due to it's proximity to the ocean, it recieves over 100 feet of snow a year. Size, staure, steepness and extremely severe weather combine to make it one of the most elusive summits in North America. Since it's first ascent in 1897 (via the Abruzzi Ridge), fewer than 100 people have stood on it's summit. This peak should only be attempted by experienced and motivated climbing teams. It is best attempted in late spring through summer.

Nearest town or city: Yakutat
Directions: An approach on foot requires 10 to 50 miles of glacier travel in some iffy and rapidly changing weather conditions. Your best bet is to hire on of the numerous aviation services to land you on a glacier near your chosen route.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Yes
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Year

Most Recent Photo

Northwest Ridge