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Groom Creek

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About Groom Creek:

Boulders scattered in the pine woods south of Prescott. One of AZ's best and most overlooked bouldering areas. Its only about 1.5hrs from phoenix. Groom creek is on Spruce Mountain at about 6500ft so its cool in the summer and shaded by pines (although many have been lost to bark beetles and APS clearing for powerlines). Lots of quality routes here for climbers of all abilities. If you want to avoid the crowds check out Groom Creek.
Nearest town or city: Prescott
Directions: When entering Prescott or leaving downtown on Gurley St. look for the light at Mt. Vernon St., turn south. Mt. Vernon soon becomes Senator Hwy whichs winds it's way into the forest. In about 6 1/2 miles from Gurley look for the trailhead parking lot on the left (also the turnoff for Camp Wamatochick). This is a fee parking lot, but Wed. are free. To reach the main bouldering area from the fee parking lot walk north along trail 307 for a few hundred feet. Boulders are straight ahead left of the trail and underneath the obvious set of power lines. Once the trail 307 veers right, look for climbers path that head left through open woods to the boulders or, before this, leave trail 307 and hike the path under the powerlines. Alternatively, you can park at the school bus turnaround on the right just prior to reaching the Wamatoochick turnoff (free to park anyday, do not block ability of bus to use the turnaround). This lot is directly across the street from some boulders hanging over the road (Roadside Attraction area). Cross Senator Hwy and follow trails into the bouldering area.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: None
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Week

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Swing Town
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Forum Discussions (5 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
With Replies Lost Small Back Blackpack - August 6, 2011 dozi 1 Aug 15 2011, 7:20 PM
No Replies just in from cali kobidoo 0 May 07 2007, 6:01 AM
No Replies Anasazi Lace up- groom creek climbingbums 0 May 12 2005, 12:13 AM
With Replies conditions at groom creek? boulderable? sidepull 5 Nov 27 2004, 5:36 AM
With Replies Groom Creek Inconsistancy climbingbums 11 May 04 2005, 12:41 AM