Lost Nation - 5.11c

Route sequence (left to right): 16
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (3)
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Rock (Sport)
5 bolts + super shuts
Between Finger Monkey & Bombay Sapphire. Bouldery start w/ continuous obscure sidepull climbing. One of the most sustained routes for the grade, 3*
Submitted by: daviduzi on 2007-04-27
Views: 666
Route ID: 29258
3 Ascents Recorded
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This route is super hard to read and if you are 5'8 inches, bolts are really really hard to reach. Route is super sustain. It will go down next couple of tries! Route is super pleasing, but bolts placement aren't.
Witnessed by: Marty Karabin
Added: 2006-03-26
Added: 2006-03-26
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Added: 2004-02-21
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Added: 2002-12-14