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Watchtower - 5.11d

Average Rating = 5.00/5 Average Rating : 5.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (3)
Premier Sponsor:
John Mattson and John Burcham
From tips at the start to just hands at the end.
Consensus Ratings
  Difficulty 5.11d
  Safety Rating G
  Exposure 3.50/5
  Rock Quality 5.00/5
  Scenery 4.50/5
  Fun Factor 5.00/5


thin steming and tips jamming. Most people only do the first pitch. The second pitch is supposedly manky choss.

Submitted by: markguycan on 2007-01-04
Views: 1069
Route ID: 50603

Most Recent Photos

3 Ascents Recorded

GoRecord an ascent

  Difficulty 5.11d
  Safety Rating G
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Red Point Red Point ascent by: A-Bowl on 2012-01-14 (View Climbing Log)

5 out of 5 stars Great!

Love the Styles on this one. Good link with castles in the sand... or link into.

Added: 2012-01-21

  Safety Rating G
Hang Dog Hang Dog ascent by: buju on 2008-03-03 (View Climbing Log)

5 out of 5 stars sweeeeet

did it old style....aided it!

freaking sweet summit

Added: 2008-03-05

  Difficulty 5.11d
  Safety Rating G
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Red Point Red Point ascent by: rmiller on 2008-02-01 (View Climbing Log)

5 out of 5 stars Ascent Note

Good fun.

Added: 2008-02-01