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White Wall

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About White Wall:

This seldom visited section is downstream below confluence of the "forks". It is next major continuous cliff below the Sine Wall on the east side of the canyon. This wall hosts a high concentration of difficult routes in the 5.11+ to 5.12 range, including the seldom lead and aptly named 5.12 route "Forks Flyer". Hardmen and hardwomen, check your tie-in knot and proceed...
Approach: Appoach as for routes on Davidson and Sine Walls, but continue along canyon rim for another 100m. Must rappel in like for most Forks climbs. Beware loose blocks on the intermediate ledge part way down.
Approach Time: 15 min
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: none
Rock Type: Basalt
Type of Climbing: Trad
Sun Aspect: Afternoon Sun