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Girlie Man Area

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About Girlie Man Area:

This is a mixed area with a few slab and a few traditional crack routes. The rock is typical granite found throughout the McDowell Mountain park.
Approach: This area is located to the North East of the Morrell's Wall Parking Lot area. When approaching from the main trail head bathroom area Start on Tom's Thumb Trail 0.1 mile. Then take the Mesquite canyon trail left(Southeast) for 0.2miles until in connects to the Feldspar trail then take another left(East) continue for a short distance until you encounter a sign marking a climbers trail. If unable to read the sign there will be a large boulder about the size of a house with an overhanging rivet ladder on the right. Continue on the well marked climbers trail until reaching a sign marking the Girlie Man climbing area. A short scramble will lead to the base of a slab area with several bolted lines.
Approach Time: 15
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Rock Type: Granite
Type of Climbing: Sport/Trad
Sun Aspect: Morning Sun