Four Crows - 5.10c

Route sequence (left to right): 23
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (4)
Premier Sponsor:
Bolts, Chains
2 Pitches
Submitted by: scottd on 2002-02-24
Views: 893
Route ID: 12584
4 Ascents Recorded
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Safety Rating | G |
The 1st pitch is just a short one to get to the ledge. The 2nd pitch, however, is all business. Several tricky cruxes make this one memorable - my favorite route at the Ruins.
Added: 2008-04-07
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Ascent Note
First pitch traverses to the start of the real climbing. Second pitch is long and sustained. Very fun. My best lead to date. 10 bolts on the second pitch.
Added: 2005-12-13
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Ascent Note
It felt more like a 5.10d, and it was sustained. I had a hard time leading it, but it is really well protected. Bring a 60m rope and you can rappell both pitches at once.
Added: 2002-12-28
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Ascent Note
Felt a little sandbag... maybe I'm just a wimp. Awesome climb.
Witnessed by: Steve
Added: 2002-06-01
Added: 2002-06-01