The right-most wall at Willow Canyon North, near Munchkinland. It sports four great, though short, routes. You can park at the Rose Canyon campground for access, but will be charged a parking fee. To avoid such rape, take a left off of the Mt. Lemmon hwy onto the Willow Canyon Circle Road. Drive around semi-aimlessly, passing numerious cabins. Eventually you will come upon a pullout with a tan electrical transformer. Park there and take the (hard to find at first) trail down to the lake. Pass around the left side of the lake to the dam, and at the end of the dam, turn up and left and follow carians to the top of the wall. Descend a gully, then follow trail against wall to the bolts. The four routes are closely packed together. Once you warm up on these beauties, the rest of Willow Canyon North offers a zillion more 5.10/5.11s for the sport climber.