101 - 5.9

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (4)
Premier Sponsor:
4 bolts and anchors
Fun short route on solid brown and black limestone... (fourth route from the left)
Submitted by: rudym on 2003-12-15
Views: 537
Route ID: 45822
4 Ascents Recorded
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Safety Rating | G |
ascent note
no comment
Added: 2017-01-13
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Safety Rating | G |
Fun, sharp, first bolt is a bit loose.
Added: 2007-02-28
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Ascent Note
No comment
Added: 2004-05-25
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Ascent Note
I enjoyed this route and would especially recommend it to other new leaders who like close bolt spacing to feel more secure in leading.
Added: 2003-12-13