While driving east on Hwy 166 you will see a huge cluster of rocks sticking up like a 100 foot chimney on the north side of the highway. It is approx. 22 miles from the Hwy 101/ Hwy 166 intersection. It looks like one rock, but is actually four, the other three are hidden behind the first tower. Known as Twin Rocks on the map, or as Mt. Doom to climbers, they are made up of conglomerate sandstone. The quality is horrible and these climbs pose great challenges mentally. Loose rock abounds, but the summits are among the most unique on the central coast. Most towers go free at around 5.10, with a lot of easier ground mixed in. But the harder sections can be done via aid (A0), on bolt ladders. Anchors are on Towers One, Two, and Three, but NOT Four. Tower four is a 5th class solo.