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River Rock

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Climbing Sections:

About River Rock:

A granite outcrop on the banks of the Truckee River, right next to I-80. Mix of sport and trad, and you can toprope just about anything. Good place to climb in the winter. Limited number of routes, but most are quality lines.
Nearest town or city: Truckee
Directions: It's 2.4 miles east of the Farad exit on I-80. There's a place to pull off the side east-bound side of the interstate. You will have to drive to the Farad offramp and turn around if heading west. Walk down the dirt road and trails toward the river, between some small outdroppings, down a hill, cross the railroad tracks, then crosss the bridge over the dam. Follow the path along the river until you cross the flume and there it is right in front of you.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: None
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day

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