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Boney Bluff

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Climbing Sections:

About Boney Bluff:

This great climbing area has severely overhanging and the climbing is very fingery and bouldery on volcanic breccia very similar to Malibu Creek. The routes tend to be about 30 feet tall, but are relatively sustained. Practically gridbolted and has a staggering number of link-ups. It is one of the the best training craigs of So Cal.
Nearest town or city: Westlake
Directions: From Hwy 101 in Westlake Villiage, take Westlake Blvd into the hills for 7.2mi until it's possible to turn right on Mulholland Drive. After 0.4mi, turn right at Little Sycamore Canyon. Go 4.7mi and park at Backbone Trailhead parking. Hike up the fire road to the Sandstone Peak Summit. From here, follow the single-track trail straight ahead which is slightly faster than the fire road. At first for encountered, take a trail heading off left and parallel the creek for about 5 minutes until you pass a right-hand fork and an entrance sign for Point Mugu State Park. Shortly After the sign, you encounter another climbers' trail leading up to the cliff (which should be obvious by now).
Latitude, Longitude:
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