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Ney Springs

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Climbing Sections:

About Ney Springs:

Cool Basalt crag just outside of mount shasta. handful of good routes, most take a little bit of gear. Good winter crag because it sees sun almost all day
Nearest town or city: Mount Shasta, CA
Directions: on the way to castle lake road as the road curves right Ney Springs road is straight ahead. Follow this dirt road for around 2 miles. a while down the road another dirt road goes to the right. follow this until you either a) cant anymore, or B) come to the Ney Springs on the right. there is a ramp/old road on the right, follow this for a few minutes then a marked climbers trail on the left brings you to the crag.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
When to Climb: Autumn Spring Summer
Quantity of Climbs: Month