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Humber Park

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Climbing Sections:

About Humber Park:

Humber Park(ing lot) is the parking area for the Devil's Slide hiking trail as well as Tahquitz Rock. Scattered about the area are many granite boulders which make for a fun bit of bouldering while in the area. This is not exactly a destination area but if visited in conjunction with some of the other Idyllwild areas it may be worth a visit.
Nearest town or city: Idyllwild
Directions: Exit I-10 in the town of Banning onto Highway 243. Follow this 16 miles to the town of Idyllwild. Follow N.Circle Dr. to a stop sign, make a right and then the first left. Follow the signs to Humber Park.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: None
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day

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Forum Discussions (1 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
With Replies Suicide and Tahquitz Guide Book hanginaround 3 May 18 2007, 9:51 PM