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US 280

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Climbing Sections:

About US 280:

There are a number of urban climbing venues located on the SF Peninsula along the N-S axis of US 280, including the sandstone buildings of Stanford University, the Expansion Cracks near Canada College, and the glue ons in the railroad tunnel where Foothill Expressway crosses the highway in Cupertino. The only official sanctioned climbing area at Stanford U. is on the art building where chalk is prohibited. Some of the up problems at the Foothill Tunnel were removed by SP, but some remain. I suppose someone might complain about you climbing the expansion cracks on US 280, but I've never heard of it actually occurring.
Nearest town or city: Stanford
Directions: Seek and ye shall find!
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: None
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day

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