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Main Wall

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About Main Wall:

The main wall is by far the most popular and largest crag on the island. It offers routes from 5.7 to 5.13+ with routes as tall as 90 feet! Over 90% of the routes are bolted for sport leading and virtually every route has chains for top roping!
Approach: The Main Wall is approached by a 20 - 40 minute fairly difficult hike up to the top. The hike follows a defined trail all the way to the top. The trail can be found approximately 1000 feet past the YMCA Camp Erdman. You can park your vehicle right next to the trail. The trail starts at the road. The trail starts about 75 feet from the ocean. The GPS coordinates of the parking lot and approach are: Lat: 21.57841, Lon: -158.22874. The GPS coordinates of the actual climbing wall are listed below.
Approach Time: 20 - 40 minutes depending on your physical ability.
Latitude, Longitude: 21.57389, -158.22975
Access Issues: None. The land is owned by the state and free to use by all personal. Do not start a camp fire at the climbing site. If you do such someone will likely call the fire department. Additionally, doing so could start a forest fire. If you decide to climb up at the wall at night please do your best to avoid flashing lights down towards the bottom of the mountain. It is possible the fire department will be called to rescue you if you flash your headlamp down the mountain because someone may think you are signaling for help.
Rock Type: Basalt
Type of Climbing: Sport
Sun Aspect: Morning Sun


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SequenceSequence numbers indicate the left (L) to right (R) order of the routes. Rating Route Difficulty Ascents
0 Average Rating = 4.43/5 Copper Dragon (5.11d / 5.12a) 5.12a 7
0 Average Rating = 4.67/5 Weenie Roast 5.12a 3
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