64 - 5.10c

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (3)
Premier Sponsor:
straight up the face to the right of 63.
Submitted by: seafood_meowmix on 2004-12-29
Views: 590
Route ID: 62906
3 Ascents Recorded
Ratings | |
Difficulty | 5.10c |
Safety Rating | G |
64- Ivy Leauge
Sweet crimpy top
Added: 2007-09-24
Ratings | |
Difficulty |
Ascent Note
nice face climb
Added: 2005-09-18
Ratings | |
Difficulty |
Ascent Note
Very fun, it has some awsome underclings. It was cold when I did it, so it could have been better.
Witnessed by: punk_rocker333
Added: 2004-12-23
Added: 2004-12-23