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Climbing Sections:

About x-girlfriend:

Types of Routes: Top rope or boulder... Difficulty of Routes: 5.5 to 5.8+ Types of Rock: Limestone quarry, loose stuff (that's why it's called x-girlfriend)... Water Source: Iowa water? Yuck... Camping: Pitch a tent near the climb if you'd like... Nearby Businesses: Lots in Mason City, no climbing specific shops... Emergency: Local 911 or local police 421-3636... This is the only area in the quarry that can be climbed, the rest is way to loose and risky, make sure to wear a helmet when climbing here. The x-girlfriend area has about three climbs, two are easy and one it around 5.8+ and overhanging. To reach the climb just head straight west from the parking area and its the north side of the first set of rocks you run into.
Nearest town or city: Mason City
Directions: Northeast Mason City... Highway 18 to Kentucky, North on Kentucky, East on 12th, North on Plymouth... about 1 mile up Plymouth road you'll see a pond on each side of the road... park in the gravel pull-off and hike the dirt road west to the area. It's possible to take an off road vehicle back into the area but why tear it up any worse than it already is?
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Free
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day

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