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"The Horn"

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Climbing Sections:

About "The Horn":

This area hasnt been touched by climbers (other than me)as far as I can tell. There is an abundance of high quality limestone in this area (high quality compared to the chert found at mother natures crack in nearby Joplin). This Part of the Kansas Ozarks offers numerous routes ranging from decent slabs , to lines dotted with large flakes and jugs , to smooth walls with spaced out crimpers that would challenge the most experienced climber. There are no bolts in place (I will be working on that in the future) and the climbs must all be top roped. This place is absolutely a local treasure with minimal graffiti and trash which is rare for this area and I ask anyone going out there to please keep it that way. (I will be posting pics soon)
Nearest town or city: Galena Ks./Joplin Mo.
Directions: Map quest schermerhorn park in galena kansas. when you get there driver to the end of the park and hike the trail which runs by shoal creek.
Latitude, Longitude: Update
Access Issues: I believe some of the tops of the cliffs may be private property.
Camping: No
When to Climb: Spring
Quantity of Climbs: Day