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Blue Heron

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About Blue Heron:

Blue Heron

Part of Big South Fork

There are at least 50 established routes at Blue Heron, most located immediately below the Blue Heron Overlook. The routes range from trad to sport, with the majority in the 5.10-5.11 range. A climber could nail all the decent routes in a weekend. The best concentration of climbs are those located on the downstream side of the stairs. Be sure to walk all the way downstream to the three free-standing blocks, where there is a good set of 5.10's and 5.11's. Many routes are mixed, but you can tell from the base if you will need to bring a small selection of nuts/cams.

Nearest town or city: Stearns
Directions: Drive to the Blue Heron Overlook in the Big South Fork National River Recreation Area. Hike toward the overlook, but cut down to "Cracks in the Rock" rather than going all the way to the overlook. From the bottom of the stairs, there are approximately 30 routes downstream (to the right as you come off the stairs) and about 20 routes located upstream (to the left).

Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Pay
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Month

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Forum Discussions (1 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
No Replies Trip rockclimbingmao 0 May 28 2007, 3:42 AM