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Cave Run

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About Cave Run:

Barn Hollow (fewer problems) area off to the left of trail head. Majority of problems to the right...
Approach: Just past the gate at the pulloff, go right at the trailhead and follow a faint trail for a little while. Bust a right up a very slight hill; the first thing you will see is Sombrero Boulder, with Tombstone (v8) on the back at the left of the cave. Further back you will see a curved rail feature... on the left side is the impressive highballs Brown Recluse (sit v8, stand v5) and Black Widow (v10/11)
Approach Time: There are many other problems ranging from these to beginner
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Rock Type: SandStone
Type of Climbing: Bouldering
Sun Aspect: