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Routes : North America : United States : Maine : South : Two Lights State Park

Two Lights State Park

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Climbing Sections:

About Two Lights State Park:

This small state park offers a little bouldering. It is not a destination area but offers something for those in the Portland area. The rock here is very striated and almost looks like petrified wood or something. It's really cool looking and makes for some interesting climbing. Most of the climbing is found on a 15 foot high ledge that runs a couple hundred feet or so.
Nearest town or city: Cape Elizabeth
Directions: Take 295 into South Portland and get off at the old Exit 4 (not sure what the new exit number is). Get on Route 1 North at this exit. Cross the Veterans Memorial Bridge and take a right onto Route 1a (Commercial Street). Follow that about a mile to Route 77. Turn right on 77 and follow around 6 miles to a left hand turn onto Two Lights Road. Follow Two Lights Road to the end and you will see the sign for the State Park. Walk about 50 feet to the ocean and the climbing.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: None
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day