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Routes : North America : United States : Maryland : Central Md. : Lifetime fitness of columbia

Lifetime fitness of columbia (Indoor Gym)

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About Lifetime fitness of columbia:

This is a huge new gym opening in February (across the street almost from Earthtreks) that has a decent climbing wall. Not nearly as impressive as Earthtreks but you get a lot more than climbing for about the same price (weights, swimming, swank new facilities, an indoor and outdoor water slide for cryin' out loud). Their website is and then just look for the Colubmia one.
Nearest town or city: Columbia
Address: 7220 Lee DeForest Drive, Columbia, MD 21046
Directions: It's the gigantic freakin' building right by Earthtreks.
Latitude, Longitude: 39.17505, -76.81915
Phone: 410-953-0022
Web Site:

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