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Climbing Sections:

About Lamb:

This information has been lifted from: Lamb's Knoll is located 2.8 miles due north of Gathland State Park (as the crow flies), though while the trail is nice, it winds a bit, so plan on a 3 mile hike one way. This is another outcrop of Weverton Formation quartzite along the hill top of South Mountain, near the Appalachian Trail. Unlike the preceeding areas, this one is tucked away in the woods, and offers now good views of anything other than more trees. The rocks are barely visible from the AT during the winter months when there are no leaves to block the view. In the summer months, forget being able to see it at all from the trail. This band of rock is short and broken, but offers some interesting routes if you can deal with the greenbriar. There is a free-standing pillar here as well, which offers some interesting climbing opportunities.
Nearest town or city: Burkittsville
Directions: Directions: Take I-70 west to Frederick, and get off at the exit for Alt 40 just west of Frederick. Turn left at the light and go 4 miles to Middletown, turning left onto Rte 17. Follow Rte 17 6 miles to Burkittsville. In downtown Burkittsville turn right onto Gapland Road. Follow that for a mile to Gathland State Park. Turn right at the intersection there, then a hundred feet or so later turn left into the parking lot. Pick up the Appalachian Trail North to the side of a ruined building and start marching uphill a bit. Once you finish the uphill part (steep, but nowhere near as steep as the section leading from Rte 40 to Annapolis Rocks!), the trail is more or less flat and pleasant, punctuated by a few rocky areas (how the people in "The Blair Witch Project" supposedly got lost up here I'll never know!). After ~2.5 miles the trail will make a sharp, 90-degree turn to the left (there will be a blue-blazed trail coming in from the right at this point). You are close (if you were feeling masochistic, you could continue straight into the woods and bushwhack to the cliffs from here!). The AT will slowly bend right as you continue onward. In a few minutes you will reach another noticeably rocky area. This is the western terminus of the outcrop. The climbing area is 600' to your right. I would suggest following the rocks and boulders uphill rather than staying low, unless you are impervious to jungles of thorns (or just like pain). Bushwhack from here to the rocks. You will be atop of them. The easiest way to find things would be to go to the far end of the rock band and find the free-standing Pillar. The climbable cliff pretty much ends at this point.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Week