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Borderland State Park

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Climbing Sections:

About Borderland State Park:

There is, reportedly, good bouldering in Borderland State Park. From - "The big attraction is the Ames Boulder, a massive glacial erratic situated on the aptly named Boulder Trail. Another area with great potential is the Trailside Boulders, a series of at least eight good-sized boulders along the trail that loops around the lake." Pictures are available at Park information available at
Nearest town or city: Easton
Directions: What follows is an example of the great directions available at the link in the description above: "From north: Take Rte. 128 south to Rte. 95 south (towards Providence). Take exit 10 (Sharon, Walpole and Coney Street). Take a left at the end of the ramp and follow this road, two or three miles to the traffic lights in Sharon Center. Go straight thru this intersection and immediately bear right onto Pond St. Follow Pond St. for 1-1/2 miles until you come to a traffic rotary. Go half way around the rotary and continue onto Massapoag Ave. for three miles to the park entrance, on your left."
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: None
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Week

Forum Discussions (1 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
No Replies Borderland State Park tomorrow (4/10) thinksinpictures 0 Apr 10 2004, 12:08 AM