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Iron Clad - 5.10c

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right): 6
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (0)
Premier Sponsor:
James Dolph
Rock (Toprope)
long webbing, 80 feet, for protection to the trees on cliff top.
Consensus Ratings
  Difficulty (Not Rated)
  Safety Rating (Not Rated)
  Exposure (Not Rated)
  Rock Quality (Not Rated)
  Scenery (Not Rated)
  Fun Factor (Not Rated)


route starts about 15 feet right of the buttress were "nice stems" starts. technical slab with a desperate under cling. MUCH easier start to the left, following the slab up to the first crux. first crux is very balanced up to a pocket working up to a large iron deposit. under cling the roof to the right and follow to the second roof.

Descent Options:

trail at the top leading down hill

Submitted by: dolphja on 2009-04-05
Views: 1176
Route ID: 98713

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