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Lost lake

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About Lost lake:

Lost lake is pretty big. The actaul lake is full of some pretty gross water. There a quite a few sport routes, of ranging length and difficulty. There is a plethera of trad routes. The scenery is really awesome. The land is private property, or so the guy says, but there is a farm before the turnoff to get there, and just stop there and ask the people if it is alright to climb there.
Nearest town or city: highwood
Directions: Directions are complicated. From Great Falls- turn off U.S. 87 onto route 228 that goes to highwood. Go throug highwood,go 5 miles and turn onto shonkin road. Follow that road, dont take any turns off it, until you get to Lost lake road. Follow that until you get to a farm with a bunch of roads going every where, and take the one that goes toward the cliff behind the farm. you should see them. There arent really any parking lots, but there are little pulloffs. The easiest way to the marjority of the routes is on the west end, there are trails, go down into the little, cave/tunnel type thing. Then just follow the sport routes around the corner. Have a blast, But please talk to the farmer first, so this area doesnt get closed, it is the best climbing that is close to Great Falls. Thanks. Email me for better directions.
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Camping: Free
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Forum Discussions (1 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
With Replies read this BEFORE you go to lost lake j-tha-b 3 Jul 25 2006, 7:47 AM