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Bitterroot Falls

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Climbing Sections:

About Bitterroot Falls:

Falls area along Little Bitterroot River - ice climbing, as well as easy to moderate top-roping of 25-40 ft routes, and a small 2 chamber cave. Bring a light for cave, and a wire brush to touch up rock routes. Great kid area.
Nearest town or city: Marion
Directions: Highway 2 west from Kalispell past Marion to Hubbard Dam Road. Follow road south - turn right on first road past cattleguard, then right again at y. Park at obvious gate. Trail goes downhill to crags below trail. Some routes have top anchors, others use trees. Cave is in this area. Follow trail additional 5 minutes to falls.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: winter can be tricky after leaving main road -- possbile to slide vehicle off road (down steep hillside!) in deeper snow conditions
Camping: Yes
When to Climb: Autumn Summer Winter
Quantity of Climbs: Day