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Keystone Wall

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About Keystone Wall:

Similar to the Grey wall, though only single pitch lines. Look for a right facing corner on te left side. This wall is also able to be climbed with a single rope lessening the burden on the grunt approach.
Approach: Look for the approach trail as you near No Swete of the main trail. Approach as you would to No Swete arete. You will switch back till at the base of a nice blond wall with a seemingly impassable roof. Go left for the Grey or up a right for the Keystone Wall, throug an easy 4th class chimney. You should know where your going at this point.
Approach Time: 1 hr
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Rock Type: Granite
Type of Climbing: Sport
Sun Aspect: All Day Sun


SequenceSequence numbers indicate the left (L) to right (R) order of the routes. Rating Route Difficulty Ascents
Average Rating = 4.00/5 Fixin the Turnpike (1) 5.12a 2
Average Rating = 4.00/5 I-80 5.11b 1
Average Rating = 4.00/5 Northeast Extension 5.10c 1
Average Rating = 4.00/5 Velvet Toilet Paper 5.12a 1

Topo Images

Fixin the Turnpike