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Keystone Boulder

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Climbing Sections:

About Keystone Boulder:

In the summer the problems get some sun, so consider going in early morning or late afternoon.
Nearest town or city: Reno
Directions: Drive up Keystone rd until you reach McCarren Blvd. Turn left, and then turn into the pulloff on the right. This turnoff many times will have cars there, and it is easy to spot because it's the turnoff you take to get to the big pink water tower. Park your car, grab your crashpad, and walk up the dirt road. Turn right and follow the well travelled dirt road up a ways. It will cross an arroyo, and then go up a ways more, and sort of drop over a shoulder and to the right. Look for a large boulder in the canyon on the left side. You can scramble down the moderately steep hill to the underside, where the problems are.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: None - it's on public land, right next to the trail.
Camping: None
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