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Lost Ledge

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About Lost Ledge:

Another one of the White Moutains' "hidden" crags. That said, it's really not all that hard to find and it's well worth the effort. In the fall it provides a spectacular view down the Kanc and some nice moderate slab climbing. Hey, where can you find a well protected 5.2 slab climb?
Nearest town or city: Conway
Directions: Find the Kancamagus Highway off Rt. 16 and drive west. About 1/2 mile before the Albany Covered Bridge look on your left for the sign for Ham Brook. Park at the obvious pullout and follow the trail into the woods. Immediately go up a steep bank on your left and follow a trail along the high ground left of the stream.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: Easy short hike in to climbs, a little steep
Camping: No
When to Climb: Summer
Quantity of Climbs: Weekend

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