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Mt. Webster

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Climbing Sections:

About Mt. Webster:

Mt. Webster is the home of several moderate snow/ice routes with several fantastic finishes. Most routes feature several pitches (typically 2500' of climbing) of snow & moderate ice, followed by a final steep headwall. One of the few places in NH where you feel like you're actually on top of a mountain at the end of the climb! Although you can see route 302 at the base, you are in a remote area and help would be slow in coming - be self-sufficient and have a blast!
Nearest town or city: Whitefield, NH
Directions: Located on Route 302, in Crawford Notch State Park. Once you reach the Willey House historic site, you're there!
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Yes
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Month

Topo Images

Shoestring Gully

Most Recent Photos

Shoestring Gully
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