Directions: |
All GPS coord are less the prefix 35.N and 106.E. (So, 0479 x 2324 are 35.0479N x 106.2324). Start: 0680 x 4975 Tramway Drive, Central East, and I-40 Intersection. Drive 5.6 miles on Interstate 40 East to Exit 175 Tijeras. Stay on the exit ramp that will head on NM 337 South (Formally South Hwy 14). You’ll come to a light in Tijeras shortly after the exit. (0798 x 3873) Drive 0.2 mile straight ahead south and you will see the Tijeras Ranger Station ( 0740 x 3837) on your left. Park your car on the south side of the building. Looking south you will see a fence with an entrance to a trail heading south. (0735 x 3840). Walk through for about 50 yd and look left. After the first bouldering face (0727 x 3828) there will 100 yards of bouldering, top roping faces, arêtes, dihedrals, roofs problems and off-widths from 10 to 20’ feet in height. |