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Stone Age Climbing Gym (Indoor Gym)

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About Stone Age Climbing Gym:

Bouldering, toprope, and lead Good gym, nice people
Nearest town or city: Albuquerque
Address: 4201 Yale NE Suite I Albuquerque NM, 87107
Directions: Located near I-25 and Comanche/Griegos approximately one mile North of I-25 and I-40 Interchange. Northbound I-25, take the Comanche/Griegos exit and turn left (West) at Comanche. Take first right (North) on Alexander past American Home Furniture Warehouse. At the stop sign, turn right onto Carmony and then the first left onto Yale. Southbound I-25, exit at Comanche/Griegos and make an immediate right onto Yale. Look for the warehouse with BIG RED TILTED WALLS. You can't miss it
Latitude, Longitude:
Phone: 505-341-2016
Web Site: