For some reason Sauratown seems to get entirely way too much traffic when Cooks gets almost none. Not sure why. So for those that have already climbed most routes at nearby areas, Cooks offers a good alternative on the same type of rock.
Cooks has many small and broken up buttresses. There are a number of short, yet worthy routes scattered along the mountainside. You'll simply just have to put in some time thrashing around to figure out where everything is, because there are no good trail systems from crag to crag. HOPEFULLY THIS WILL CHANGE IF MORE PEOPLE START GOING THERE.
Approach from Hanging Rock State park via the Cooks Wall trail. It is about 2 miles to the top, at which point you'll have to descend one of the gullies. One possible gully is near the very end of the trail and on the left. It's the first obvious one that you come to, and may require a short rappell. Cool trad in the gulley too. At the bottom, go EAST to reach the "Emla" area.
Another option is to use the Breakfast Wall gulley which starts off the rocky ridge just past the dead end of the "Cooks Wall Trail". This gully gets you down to the most dense area of routes but is hard to find. As you descend you'll see several sport & mixed routes on the right near the bottom. Go WEST for the highest concentration of sport and mixed routes, or go downhill and EAST for a few more routes located on the lower buttress. The "Emla" area is hard to reach from this part of the mountain due to dense vegitation.