Deep in the backcountry of the Charons Gardens Wilderness Area is a striking west-facing wall - Big Whiskey. There are a couple of ways to approach Big Whiskey, none of them are easy. The most direct way is to park at the first pullout on the far west end of the Refuge. Here you will find a trail heading south. The trail meanders around some small hills and through trees - search for the path of least resistance and stay heading south until you reach a large open meadow with a couple of picturesque dead trees. From the meadow, still looking directly south, you should see a mountain with a rocky outcrop and a couple of large boulders towards its top - it will look like it's a mile away. Use this as a point of reference (for whatever it's worth) and head towards it. You will notice a tree-filled gully on your left between two mountains - stay up and right of this gully, heading uphill. As you head uphill (towards your reference point), the bright yellow face of Big Whiskey will appear on the left sitting high on a hillside. Head left, directly down into the tree-filled gully, and directly uphill towards the formation. If all goes will you will approach the wall from the left side.
Get ready for some of the hardest (and best) climbing the Wichitas has to offer!